Thursday, February 21, 2013


       In our World Literature class, we're discussing folk music. I suppose we were assigned to write a folk song and to post it on the blog. It was supposed to apply to the present. More specifically, to 2013. Rather than go down a political road (as we all know I love doing), I created this song at a time when I was have some relationship trouble. Who doesn't write a song about that every once in a while?
       With the help of my friend, Alyssa, a recording was created. I'd had this song for a long time and had been waiting to hear what it sounded like recorded, and I'm pleased to say that, although it is a rough track, we're very satisfied with the noise. All the instruments were programmed, and vocals were laid over that track. I shall post a video below, so y'all can check it out!


My dear, come home. Come home to me.
My time is wasted with every breath I breathe
and these hands; they shake in the memory
of  all you gave to me.
I hope I surely do my best.
My faith is tested.
Here my head does rest, separated from my heart.
My bones aching, skin uncaresed. 

But I won't let my head hang low.
And I will not surrender for no more am I alone.
I'll not be defeated, as the sun comes out to warm me.
No, I will not let myself sink,
until you're home.

I untie my hands, and rise from my knees.
Though bruised and scraped I sing my reverie.
'Neath the bludgeonings of chance I raise my chin,
and and stand this ground for all to see.
For I am here and my heart is elsewhere.
Content amid the sand, as though this were not unfair.
Hold me for as many tides as you see fit,
then come home. Come home to me.

But I won't let my head hang low.
And I will not surrender for no more am I alone.
I'll not be defeated, as the sun comes out to warm me.
No, I will not let myself sink,
until you're home.

It matters not how strait the gate
or charged with punishments the scroll.
I thank whatever gods may be,
for my unconquerable soul.
Hear me. Hear me out now,
I will say this once,
but I will say it loud.
I shall not live til' you are home.


  1. I really love this song, Dominic. You voice is so perfect for the lyric. I love the line, "I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul." Fantastic writing. Thank you for sharing this!--Mrs. Olson

  2. Dominic - I have to say that you exhibited some wonderful talent in not only creating the lyrics, but your heartfelt vocals. The tempo and female harmony add to creating the emotional feeling as though I am watching a carousel of a young man's heart.

  3. Recently, it has been less like a carousel and more like skydiving with an anvil for a parachute. This song is getting professionally recorded over the next two weekends, and will be released after mastering for near radio quality.
