Friday, January 11, 2013

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Read

        As a result of an interesting series of events, I have decided to put off my reading of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. It seems like a fantastic story, and I will certainly come back to it in a few weeks, but I found something that I am more interested in. I have decided to read The Hobbit instead.
       While doing some cleaning I discovered this particular book under a pile of other, less entertaining books. I had recently gone to see the movie, but never had I thought to read the original story! I was disappointed in myself, because in the past I read books before I saw movies. I did this with the Harry Potter series, as well as with The Chronicles of Narnia, but not with The Hobbit. Now I am making up for that mistake.
        So far, this book has captured my attention and left me with questions that I feel must be answered. When I am reading it, I forget that I saw the movie. Everything seems just as new to me as they would if it were my first time experiencing the story. That makes me happy. The characters are described well enough to make it feel as though they are real people. The events as they are told make it seem as though they are actually happening. This makes the experience of reading this book a great one.
       Sadly, I have not been able to find as much time to read as I would like to, due to school and work schedules. Despite that issue, I have managed to get a decent part of the story read. As many know, it starts when the wizard, Gandalf, visits the home of a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins and tries to convince him to set out on an adventure. The Hobbit refuses, but Gandalf is persistent and upon the coming of that evening, Dwarves begin to arrive at his doorstep. From there, the the plan is laid out. A plan in which Bilbo, a Hobbit who has never left the Shire, will assist the Dwarves in taking back their capital city from the dragon, Smaug.
       I am excited to continue reading this book, and I am excited to keep you all updated on the goings on. I hope that it is as enjoyable for the readers of this blog as it is for me. I truly am happy that I chose The Hobbit. For those of you that are interested in reading this book as well, I will include a link below to a site where it can be purchased for the Kindle.
The Hobbit: Kindle


  1. Dominic--I think a blog is an excellent outlet for your creativity and insightful points on life and literature. I look forward to reading your blog this semester!

  2. I have read this book in 7th grade. It was a hard read for 7th grade, but it was a very good book! We also did lots of activities with the book! Keep up the reading :)

  3. Sounds like a great book I have also seen the movie but I think I should of read the book before but I also have no time because of school and work. Well keep up the good work!!!
