In the abyss of society,
is the Mordor of the Earth.
There, stain defines humanity;
a mark received at birth.
It grows upon the skin
and plants it's roots down in the bones
of men and women caught in ignorance.
It spreads and makes it's home.
Like trolls beside the fire,
we feast without regret
for what we've stolen from our fellow man.
The lives that we upset.
Our greed becomes our motive.
Our motives decide our course,
and we eat horses at the fire-side.
We show no remorse.
No pity for the broken hearts.
Less care for broken homes,
than the lining of our pockets.
Our ignorance is shown.
Revealed we are as cowards.
We are strong beneath the lunar light,
but in the sun we falter.
Our values not near so bright.
Our stain sinks ever deeper.
No remedy exists
for shot values and selfish morals.
We are nothing more than this.
So in the sunrise, perish.
To stone our vessels turn.
An eternity of nothing,
is a fate we all deserve.
As you may have guessed, I have taken some inspiration in the trolls of The Hobbit. I draw many lines between their carelessness and stupidity and ours. I suppose not all people are bad. Some people are charitable and decent, to a certain extent. My point is that humanity is flawed, and we don't seem to realize it. At the very least, we place much less value in others than ourselves. Allow me to elaborate.
The trolls steal horses from the company of adventurers along their journey. They plan to eat them, but they don't care about who they stole them from. They don't care about the inconvenience to the horses' rightful owners. It's plain selfishness. Humanity is naturally the same. We think of ourselves before anyone else. Nearly everything we do, we do for selfish reasons. This wouldn't be so bad if we weren't constantly preaching about helping the less fortunate, which we do at times, but only after our own desires are satisfied.

I think I've made my point clear. If I have offended anyone with the views expressed in this particular post, I don't care. My opinion is more important than yours. Tune in next week!