Friday, May 10, 2013

All Is Said and Done

       This semester has been incredible. One of the most stressful of my life, as a direct result of my past habits, but now it's almost over. I will reflect for a minute on World Literature in specific.
       I think that my favorite thing about this class was that I was introduced to even more great writers. I love classic literature, but now I have a greater understanding of the really old works, and not just those of my own country. My favorite book that we've read is the one we are reading at this moment: The Inferno. It appeals to my strange personality with it's dark atmosphere. My writing tends to take on a similar feeling. It's fantastic. The way it's written is genius as well.
       On a similar note, I must say that if there is one piece of literature that I didn't like very much it was the Aeneid. I didn't like the fact that it was a contracted work that was built to compete with the Iliad. I actually stopped reading it and just skimmed what I needed to for the homework. I thought it sucked.
       Now.. A class activity that I enjoyed a lot is one that I'm doing right now. This blogging has made the class fun. I get to type out my opinions. Writing, or in this case, typing, is slower than speaking, and that simply means that ideas must be thought out more as you go. It leaves room for elaboration and I take great pleasure in going into detail about my opinion for others to see. I love attention more than some might think.
       With this blogging, I have learned something valuable. If I take anything from this class into the rest of my life, it will be that ideas can't be kept inside. This blogging and our class discussion have allowed me to climb even further into the center of attention with my opinions. I don't view this as a bad thing. I think it will make me a better leader and I am thankful for that.
        I wouldn't change a thing about this class. It's as my grandpa always said to me about motorcycles (but I guess it pertains here too): "If the shit works; don't fix it". I truly believe that this class has been among my favorites of my high school career. A career that is now just days from being over.
        I would like to thank my English teacher for giving me the chance to learn these important things.

        It's about time that I planted my roots in the world and stretched my branches into the clouds. This world is going to be mine.

1 comment:

  1. Dominic, you are such a gift, and I cannot wait to see what you do with your life. It is a bright future for you, indeed. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful contributions to our classroom this semester. Your contributions enriched us all. Thank you, also, for your kind words. I wish you all the best as you tackle adulthood :)
