As I said, I plan to keep this short, so enough about Walden. I'm actually more excited about my class work. Roman literature has always been interesting to me. I enjoy studying old things and hearing ancient stories. I relate to them, because there's something inside of me that connects with all the conflict.
That conflict which lives in all of us is similar to many of these epics. In the poems, there are several things going on at once. We see the emotions of the characters and the struggle they face in search of an ultimate goal. That's something that everybody deals with in their own way. I also find it interesting to point out that these stories never start at the beginning. It's always a recount of recent events. This can be tied to my previous statement concerning the relation to our own problems in that we never look all the way back to the beginning when we thing of the things we battle in our lives. When we think of things; when we really look back on our lives; we don't start at the beginning. We begin at the start of the problems that are relevant at that particular moment.
Enough of my chatter. Tune in next time, boys and girls. I'm sure there are some more thoughts floating around my head that somebody might find interesting. In the meantime, enjoy the picture on the other side of this link!